Date of birth: December 10, 2004. Diagnosis: non-Hodgkin's T-lymphoma

Andriy Roshchin is 12 years old. He goes to school. But this time he left the “Last Call” event because he learned about a terrible disease – non-Hodgkin's T-lymphoma with bone marrow failure. Andriy’s mother has long been fighting for his health; he has a low immunity, and now lymphoma.
Andriy has a younger brother. A single mother brings them up. The father left the family, so all problems lays down on her. The mother is constantly looking for money for son's treatment, but he still needs bone marrow transplantation, and she not able to pay for it.
Andriy gets treatment in Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Children Clinical Hospital. The mother is sure that in the future he will become her pride, but she now appeals to all for help.