Every time when volunteers of the CF “You are an Angel” visit children in the oncology department, they try to be as original, creative, and interesting as possible for small patients. Art therapist Maria Pazyniuk of the foundation always helps them in this.
To make creative classes versatile and unique, to interest the children's audience, the art therapist invited her female students to a traditional Thursday creative class. Student girls together with children sculpted various figures from light plasticine, talked about everyday things. “We made beautiful animals, a real car fleet and a beautiful garden. We were surprised by the optimism, strength and, hope of our new friends" – Ulyana Tarasevych (a student of PO-25 group of the Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) shares her impressions.
“During the war, we should not forget about these children. We need to understand that they are the same children as those who go to school, the groups that we see on the street or in the supermarket. These children also have their own hobbies, dreams, goals, they want to learn and learn something new. They don’t need pity, these children just want to spend time with their peers,” says Maria Vasylivna Pazyniuk, art therapist of the CF “You are an Angel” and a college teacher.
We are convinced that these fleeting hours of communication with children with cancer provided an important experience for the students of the PO-25 group of PO-25 group of the Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.